Board General.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Wed Jul 4 16:18:38 2018
To all
Subject re all the ideas and stuff
Hey all. Good to see some ideas being thrown about. I'm not sure that having unowned qeq is something I could see us doing. We tried to make QEQ less of a requirement for new players with 3 specific changes. 1. QEQ stat reduction so it's not the best gear possible. 2. QEQ price reduction so it's more obtainable 3. QEQ refund boosted to 90 We also added what I think are a pretty adequate number of daily quests, plus the mini-games/puzzles that make grinding out a set of QEQ a reasonable task. I like the idea of the first storage box being really cheap to introduce new players to the concept. Regarding finding additional things to spend QP on, I also agree there are quite a few options available, especially with ascenion and remorts. We've thrown around a few ideas before about having more interesting items, armor, and weapons, but the hard part is of course balancing them. I know that a few of you have pitched ideas to me about mechanics you would like to see, but I'll just say what is most likely to get implemented are things that do not require an obscene effort for a minimal gain. I think to increase replayability of old zones, one of the coolest things we could do is to have a mechanic similar to a lot of ARPGs/MMOs, where you can replay old content at a harder difficulty. We would need to think about what rewards should look like before we go down the path of scoping and implenting such a feature though.