Board Roleplay.old [context]
Sender Belavir
Date Wed Jan 18 14:03:44 2012
To all
Subject Drunken Stupor
While we, the lovely immortals of this fine world, were up to our usual insanity celebrating {rLord Maedhros'{x Birthday, being older then dirt its sheer amazement that anyone can actually recall this event, especially with the amount of alcohol consumed. Astark(barely clothed mind you, we was going to say something about it but was far more amusing to leave it be) was prancing about the world, dropping off party favors as he saw fit, to virtually everyone. Shelob, Alien Queen, Itmons(Hey, I didnt write out the invitation list..). The rest of us, were stumbling in and out of bars all across the world.. well, sometime during this period {rMaedhros{x spotted a hooker that struck his fancy. She went by the stage name of "The First Whore"(Terrible, I know, but we were out of it, at the time it ROCKED). Well, he disappeared off into the backrooms with her while the rest of us continued to leave a trail of bottles. It's all a bit fuzzy at this point but some time shortly afterwords, {rMaedhros{x came running out stark nakked save for a sheet he had wrapped around him(Thank God.. er.. Maedhros?). "Someone has stolen my wrath!" He yelled. We couldn't help but laugh but.. yeah we ended up hunting down the thief anyway. We gave chase(Maedhros still only with his sheet), but the thief eluded us with a teleport spell that can only be described as luck incarnate(While chasing after him he bumped into Hazzach, swear he wet himself but a scroll at that moment was knocked free and activated teleporting him god only knows where). So there you have it, somewhere there is a shiny weapon just waiting for an owner, as we are all too lazy(Drunk and hungover) to do much else about it.