Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Rubee
Date Fri Aug 23 09:26:22 2013
To all
Subject weather
I know this was 'played with' years ago. What if weather actually played factors in things. IE - if you're in the water and its storming X% chance you get hit by lightning for Y damage you could also mess with if you are in a boat and 'grounded' or if you are a class that can 'control' weather, perhaps there is a save there where damage = nil or if you control weather and are caling lightning, damage increased depending on terrain perhaps adding winds in storms random gusts with chance to destance, disarm, or even push rooms this would make me want to stay indoors during a storm! and if you were super exciting to code and stuff you could dessicate quicker in the sun as compared to say raining where you could even just type drink when its raining and you 'drink from puddle' AAaaand, if you really wanted to go gangbusters you could implement a whole new class called - Elementalist - masters of the elements/weather would be a mage/mage max with diffrent abilities, Im too lazy to list a bunch of cool skills and spells, but we could imagine the possibilities even in the indoors. earthquakes would be nasty. hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions.. would be fun just brainstormin