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Sender Void
Date Tue Mar 15 18:05:07 2016
To all
Subject Page of Duiker's Journal
I'd like to say the journey to Smote's Temple was long and arduous, as befits a proper adventure. But it wasn't. Within a day I was there, and the most harrowing part of my odyssey was dropping a chunk of cheese I had bought earlier that day for lunch. It was good, the little I had of it. When I arrived at the Temple I was greeted by a High Priest, who explained a bit more about Ascendancy. Ascendancy was based on the power of the Warlord's ritual, but more like a modest form of it. It was blood magic, made possible by the blood of an Elder God. In order for us to be linked by this blood magic there needed to be an intermediary. To become Ascendant, to put it bluntly, I was going to have to carve the life from someone and sacrifice their corpse to Smote. They had a child their for me to slaughter and sacrifice, but I'm not sure they ever expected me to do so. It turns out a coyote from the hillside worked just as well. I have lived a long time, on this island and off of it. What happened that day I will never forget. That day I took the first step to becoming what I am now. That day the new Immortals had someone to fear. A gardener with terrible powers and a will to use them. That day I felt Smote's blood course through me and I became his Ascendant Warrior. My path had been chosen. I am a Blademaster of Smote.