Remort 5

Aarchon currently has 19 races available for selection at the time of creation, and an additional 4-6 become available with each remort. Each race has unique advantages and disadvantages including vulnerabilities and resistances, natural weaponry, stats, and "ETL" (experience to level) which is based on your class.

Choose a remort below to see which races are available for that remort, and all of the information regarding that race. Remember that once you remort, all races for that remort and previous remorts are available.

              === Remort Tier #0 ===
avian        drow         dwarf        elf          gimp         goblin       
golem        halfelf      halfogre     halforc      hobbit       human        
leprechaun   mutant       myrddraal    ogre         pixie        saurin       

              === Remort Tier #1 ===
amazon       centaur      khan         nymph        orc          satyr        

              === Remort Tier #2 ===
cyclops      dunedain     highelf      mantis       martian      skaven       

              === Remort Tier #3 ===
draconian    drider       phreak       sprite       vampil       

              === Remort Tier #4 ===
cyborg       mermaid      minotaur     werewolf     wisp         

              === Remort Tier #5 ===
doppelganger harpy        naga         treant       wraith       

              === Remort Tier #6 ===
chrysalies   frost-giant  gholam       illithid     vampire      

              === Remort Tier #7 ===
ahazu        djinn        dryad        gargoyle     lich         

              === Remort Tier #8 ===
ettin        genie        gorgon       lillend      rakshasa     revenant 

              === Remort Tier #9 ===
revenant     genie        rakshasa     lillend      gorgon       ettin        

              === Remort Tier #10 ===
archon       behemoth     dragonborn   mummy        quickling    warforged

Race: doppelganger      Remort: 5      Size: medium      Gender: none
Vulnerabilities: magic weapon
Resistances: none

=Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc==
20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 20-100 
  +0     +0     +0     +0     +0     +0     +0     +0     +0     +0   

 War  Thi  Cle  Mag  Gla  Sam  Pal  Asn  Nin  Mon  Tem  Ilu  Gun  Ran  Nec  Bar 
2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2050 2100 2100 2100 2000 2100 2100 2100 2100 

Skill                 Level  Percent
          change sex      1    100%
               mimic      5     85%


Race: harpy      Remort: 5      Size: medium      Gender: female
Vulnerabilities: bash
Resistances: acid poison negative
Affected by: protect_good flying dark_vision
Natural Weaponry: claws fangs
Specialty: agile

=Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc==
85-135 80-130 85-135 80-140 70-130 35-115 50-115 60-110 20-100 35-110 
  +5     +4     +5     +5     +4     +4     +4     +3     +3     +3   

 War  Thi  Cle  Mag  Gla  Sam  Pal  Asn  Nin  Mon  Tem  Ilu  Gun  Ran  Nec  Bar 
2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2100 2150 2150 

Skill                 Level  Percent
               curse     20     95%
              plague     10     75%
          venom bite      1     90%
                maul     60     85%
        giant feller     40     80%


Race: naga      Remort: 5      Size: large      Gender: either
Vulnerabilities: lightning
Resistances: pierce cold negative holy drowning
Affected by: detect_magic infrared breathe_water
Natural Weaponry: claws fangs scales

=Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc==
75-120 45-125 40-120 50-130 75-135 55-120 70-130 45-125 35-115 35-115 
  +4     +4     +4     +4     +5     +4     +4     +4     +4     +3   

 War  Thi  Cle  Mag  Gla  Sam  Pal  Asn  Nin  Mon  Tem  Ilu  Gun  Ran  Nec  Bar 
2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 

Skill                 Level  Percent
                spit     10     95%
        regeneration      1     90%
                lore     30     70%
        extra attack     80     95%
         arcane lore     30     70%


Race: treant      Remort: 5      Size: giant      Gender: male
Vulnerabilities: slash fire
Resistances: bash acid poison mental disease drowning light
Specialty: plant tough

=Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc==
70-140 75-140 40-120 55-110 60-115 45-110 50-130 75-130 60-110 45-120 
  +5     +5     +4     +3     +3     +3     +5     +5     +3     +4   

 War  Thi  Cle  Mag  Gla  Sam  Pal  Asn  Nin  Mon  Tem  Ilu  Gun  Ran  Nec  Bar 
2050 2100 2100 2100 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2100 2100 2100 2000 2100 2100 

Skill                 Level  Percent
     woodland combat      5     80%
          entrapment     75     80%
          choke hold     35     85%
              soothe     55     90%
           goodberry     10     70%


Race: wraith      Remort: 5      Size: medium      Gender: either
Vulnerabilities: fire holy energy light silver
Resistances: weapon cold poison negative disease
Affected by: detect_invis detect_magic flying pass_door chaos_fade
Specialty: undead

=Str== =Con== =Vit== =Agi== =Dex== =Int== =Wis== =Dis== =Cha== =Luc==
70-115 40-120 30-110 75-135 90-135 95-135 60-125 55-120 70-110 40-110 
  +4     +4     +3     +5     +5     +5     +4     +4     +3     +3   

 War  Thi  Cle  Mag  Gla  Sam  Pal  Asn  Nin  Mon  Tem  Ilu  Gun  Ran  Nec  Bar 
2100 2100 2050 2050 2150 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2050 2100 2150 2000 2100 

Skill                 Level  Percent
        invisibility      1    100%
        energy drain     90     80%
                fear     20     85%
         deaths door      1     75%
        intimidation     45     80%